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Delivering a Targeted Industry Pitch Deck
Learn how Verra Asia helped BI WORLDWIDE create a compelling sales deck to address key challenges in the APAC insurance sector and boost sales performance.

The Opportunity

BI WORLDWIDE recognised a significant opportunity to support insurance companies in Asia Pacific, which navigate a complex distribution network including direct sales, agents, brokers, and bancassurance. Each channel presents unique challenges in managing and motivating sales representatives for optimal performance. Leveraging their expertise in configurable solutions, BI WORLDWIDE aimed to address these challenges and enhance channel effectiveness for insurance companies.

Distribution Strategy

Collateral Development

By The Numbers

The Masterplan

Turning key industry challenges into strategic opportunities

Verra Asia embarked on creating a bespoke, strategic sales deck tailored for a broad audience of insurance providers in Asia Pacific. The initial step involved an exhaustive review of existing data to pinpoint key pain points and areas for solution alignment. Complementing this, targeted secondary research was conducted to understand the prevailing challenges within the insurance sector. This comprehensive analysis enabled us to develop a preliminary framework that effectively mapped BI WORLDWIDE’s solutions to the industry’s identified challenges.

Our Approach

Developing targeted content for maximum impact

Verra Asia's approach began with meticulous content mapping and development, ensuring each slide accurately reflected BI WORLDWIDE’s deep understanding of the insurance sector's unique challenges and its capabilities to offer relevant solutions. It was imperative to understand the existing gaps between each layer of the market chain and address each gap with a tailored value proposition.

Graphic and layout design were prioritised to ensure each slide was visually balanced and easy to read. Infographics and data visualisations were strategically used to underscore key points. Throughout the process, feedback from the client was continually incorporated to refine the presentation, ensuring it aligned perfectly with the strategic objectives of compellingly communicating BI WORLDWIDE's value proposition.

The Results

Verra Asia successfully developed and delivered the sales deck within an ambitious timeline of 10 working days. This strategic tool was designed to initiate and deepen strategic dialogues with insurance companies, setting the stage for more customised engagements. It effectively showcased BI WORLDWIDE’s deep understanding of the insurance sector's challenges and its capacity to deliver configurable solutions that enhance channel efficiency and sales performance.

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